170 Cottage Street is a mixed-use development in Chelsea, Massachusetts, poised to revitalize the neighborhood. Developed by The Neighborhood Developers (TND), the project offers a combination of affordable housing units and commercial space to address local housing needs and stimulate economic growth.
Strategically situated just one block from the Eastern Ave Silver Line MBTA station, 170 Cottage provides convenient access to Boston’s South Station and Seaport District. The development features spacious apartments to accommodate families, offering a much-needed housing option in the area.
Committed to serving vulnerable populations, 170 Cottage will include two homes specifically designed for individuals with disabilities and 16 homes prioritized for families who have experienced homelessness or are at risk of experiencing homelessness.
In addition to its social impact, 170 Cottage prioritizes sustainability. The project achieved Passive House Design Certification in 2023, ensuring it meets stringent energy efficiency standards, reduces its environmental footprint, and provides residents with a comfortable, healthy living environment.
Construction on 170 Cottage commenced in December 2023 and is expected to be completed in Fall 2025. Bridgeline Exteriors is proud to be building the full envelope for this transformative project, to create a more environmentally friendly and affordable community.
This exciting development represents a significant step toward creating a more sustainable and equitable community in Chelsea.
-Architect: Davis Square Architects
-Contractor: Bald Hill Builders, LLC.
-Developer: The Neighborhood Developers.
-Acquisition financing: Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC)
-Predevelopment financing: CEDAC, The Life Initiative
-Low-Income Housing Tax Credit investor: Boston Financial
-Construction financing: Eastern Bank
-Permanent financing: MHP (Massachusetts Housing Partnership)
-Subordinate debt: Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities; Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation; North Suburban Consortium, City of Chelsea
#buildwithbridgeline,#phius, hashtag#passive, #buildingenvelope, #balhillbuilders,#davissquarearchitects, #theneighborhooddevelopers #chelseama #affordable